W E S P E C I A L I Z E I N T H E F O L L O W I N G W O R K:
R E S I D E N T I A L R E M O D E L I N G and R E H A B:
• We offer complete residential remodeling and/or property rehab service.
• We are a One-Stop Contracting Service to remodel your property for your personal
comfort or prepare for market or prior to move in.
• If you are in financial trouble, do not give your equity away, we offer partnerships with
home owners to rehab, market and sell their properties.
F O U N D A T I O N R E P A I R S:
We provide site inspections including the crawl-space areas under your house to identify foundation issues
This inspection is followed up with a written report/proposal emailed to you with a line-item list of the work we recommend.
-We also provide all of the labor and materials to complete all of the work we propose.
-Our specialized work includes but is not limited to the following:
• Foundation repair and/or replacement including settlement issues.
• Foundation crack repairs. • Concrete slab repairs. • Floor leveling.
• Any and all repairs in the crawl-space area.
• Termite Report repair work including structural framing repairs.
F O U N D A T I O N E A R T H Q U A K E R E T R O F I T S:
We provide site inspections including the crawl-space areas under your house to identify foundation issues including adherence to the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety earthquake hazard reduction recommendations.
This inspection is followed up with a written report/proposal emailed to you with a line-item list of the work we recommend.
-We also provide all of the labor and materials to complete all of the work we propose.
-Our specialized work includes but is not limited to the following:
• Foundations repairs/improvements as per L.A. Dept of Building and Safety
earthquake hazard reduction recommendations – EARTHQUAKE RETROFIT.
• Earthquake Retrofits to include foundation bolting and cripple wall repair and strengthening.
D R A I N A G E P R O B L E M S: R E S I D E N T I A L / C O M M E R I C A L:
We provide site inspections including the crawl-space areas under your house to identify drainage issues and offer you our best advice for solution.
This inspection is followed up with a written report/proposal emailed to you with a line-item list of the work we recommend.
-We also provide all of the labor and materials to complete all of the work we propose.
-Our specialized work includes but is not limited to the following:
• Corrective grading in landscaping areas and yards to control water runoff.
• Installation of foundation waterproofing.
• Installation of French drains, concrete swales, trench drains, yard drains, sump pumps,
rain water catch basins, rain gutters and rain gutter downspout connectors.
• Installation of 4" drain pipe to connect all of the above listed drains to the street.